WK Portfolio

Email sender for Google Sheets™

If you wondered how to communicate effectively with your teams, co-workers, clients, then try out Email sender. The add-on for Google Sheets will make your communication really fast and effortless. Just start sending configurable emails from your Sheets. 

Features & Benefits

The most important features of the add-on are exposed right below. I also recommend to familiarise yourself with Email sender’s Privacy Policy & Terms of Use.

No trial period, no payment. Email sender is free of charge.

Keep your communication simple and ordered. Use Google Spreadsheet with Email sender to keep track of notifications

The app is now available from the Google Workspace Marketplace

Simple doesn't mean worse. If you use Google Spreadsheet, automate it with email notifications

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About me

Managing IT projects supporting established processes. Collecting, analyzing and transforming data into business concepts and solutions. Preparing reports for the Board. In all initiatives, I apply the principles of  ergonomics, usability and business need. The Education & Experience part below is just to give a background, I won’t write a poem about a personal hero  🙂

[ Education ]

In 2019-2022 managed to get both:
  • MA in Information Science & Econometrics
  • Postrgaduate studies in Design, Programming and Systems Explotation
I have basic knowledge of:
  • UML, BPMN,Flowchart
  • SQL, JAVA, Javascript, Google Apps Script, HTML, Frameworks & Other tools (MS Project, draw.io..)

[ Experience ]

Latest job positions:
  • IT Project Manager
  • Quality Assurance PM for ISO9001
Some technologies I worked with:
  • Salesforce
  • G-Suite
  • BI
  • HelpDesk
  • ERP


The app is now available from the Google Workspace Marketplace. To get the add-on use the FREE INSTALL button in the header section or go directly to your Google Sheets menu, look for Extensions –> Add-ons –> get add-ons. In the search bar write Email sender for Google Sheets

The number of emails You can send is restricted to Google quota. For consumer accounts it is 100 per 24 hours on rolling basis.

The add-on is meant to send one email to an email address in a specific cell. However, it is also possible to send emails to multiple email addresses in a given cell if they are comma seperated. Not going into details, it works fine as long as the addresses are distinct

In your Google Spreadsheet, go to main menu, hit Email sender, from the dropdown pick Setup, finally pick ‘Saved’ tab. There You will see your current Google quota. Please mind, this quota may deviate on the run, but at the end of the day it always shows correctly.

Using multiple Google accounts might be the problem. Please mind, if you are logged in more than one google account on the same device, Email sender might not work. For instance, the ‘Saved Setup’ won’t display properly. Log out of all your account and log in to the one where Email sender was installed.

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Get Connected

It would be hard to respond to all email messages and I hope you don’t mind this way of contact. If you have any questions, suggestions for fixes, improvements or want to report a bug , I strongly advise to join a community in order to give your feedback.

Copyright © 2022 WK Portfolio | Created the site myself because of passion for technologies